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Three Surprising Tips to Lower Stress & Heal Your High Blood Pressure blog health heart high blood pressure hypertension mindfulness relaxation stress wellness

Three Surprising Tips to Lower Stress & Heal Your High Blood Pressure

If you don't think your anxiety, depression, sadness and stress impact your physical health, think again. All of these emotions trigger chemical reactions in your body, which can lead to inflammation and a weakened immune...

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5 Habits to Ditch If You Want to Be Healthy & Happy blog happiness health wellness

“A sad soul can kill you quicker than a germ.”

These are the words of John Steinbeck, who understood the yin and yang of health and happiness. They compliment and create each other. To be healthy, you must cultivate happiness. To be happy, you must nurture your health.


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Daily Quarantine Self-Care Check-In Q&A to Survive Stressful Times blog self-care wellness

Though some would have you believe that the global pandemic is over, the threat posed by Covid-19 has passed, and we can all return to our normal lives, the science and statistics are clear.

Cases continue to rise in many parts of the world. The elderly and people with underlying health issues...

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5 Habits to Ditch If You Want to Be Healthy & Fit happiness health wellness

“If you don’t make time for your health today, health may not make time for you tomorrow.” 

~ Alicia Saldenha, PhD


Hi OMie,

How are you feeling these days? What grade would you give your health or your fitness? An A? An A+? Or would you give yourself a D, E, or F?

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